DID YOU KNOW? Gymnastics helps children grow and develop. It helps build their muscles, their confidence and most of all, their brains. The Sweet Peas program takes all that is wonderful about gymnastics and incorporates educational opportunities such as memory activities, sequencing, spatial relations, counting, color and shape recognition, and interesting child based content knowledge. Learning and fun go together in the Sweet Peas program!

Moving helps children learn! The cerebellum is one of the most amazing and complex parts of the brain.
About the size of a lemon, the cerebellum was long thought to control basic motor functions largely outside the realm of conscious awareness. Researchers discovered that while the cerebellum takes up only about 10% of the brain by volume, it accounts for about half of the brain's neurons!! We now know that the cerebellum regularly communicates with the highly complex centers of the brain. When we move, the cerebellum processes information back and forth to the cortex - the smart part of the brain that handles highly cognitive functions such as language, memory, attention and spatial relations. There's more! It turns out that most of the neural circuits from the cerebellum are wired as outbound – which means that the cerebellum has tremendous influence on the rest of the brain. Movement influences learning. This is one of the cornerstones of the Sweet Peas program.
Children learn best when they are moving. We have designed our gymnastics program to take advantage of the active engagement of the child's brain by incorporating educational learning objectives into our gymnastics activities.
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The Sweet Pea Educational Gymnastics program provides gymnastics instruction for children six months to six years. Based in traditional gymnastics, our curriculum is centered around developmentally appropriate training on the beam, bars, floor and vault. Sweet Pea classes are instructional in nature, with stated skills, learning outcomes and objectives. Our teachers are professional gymnastics instructors with specialized love for early childhood development.

Class Benefits
Make-Up missed classes! - 2 make-up tokens max / month when requested in advance of class absence.
Bonus Days! Tuition is based on a 4 week month. However, if there's a 5th week in the month, and no holiday, that class is considered a BONUS day. Cutting Edge does not bill extra for a month's 5th week.
Automatic Billing. Credit/Debit card is required on file for all classes (Visa or MasterCard). Classes are billed monthly until a Drop Class Request is submitted.
Multiple Class Discounts and Sibling Discounts. Add Gymnastics or Ninja class to your current schedule for a fraction of the price!
Waitlist options available for full classes. Create a parent account online, then call 586-469-2582 to be placed on our waiting list.