Cutting Edge CAMPUS
Online Learning Support + Technology Support + Physical Activity
Why E-Learning at CUTTING EDGE?
We know kids! We also know that movement activates learning. Research shows that kids focus better when they engage in physical activity and there's no better place than Cutting Edge. When it comes to education, parents are being faced with incredibly difficult decisions. We believe that Cutting Edge is a great alternative to classroom learning.
ONLINE LEARNING SUPPORT - Students will select from their school district's e-learning platform or an online public school. Cutting Edge CAMPUS is a virtual education support option for students who are ready to learn! Cutting Edge staff are the support system and supervision to get things done!
EXPERIENCED EDUCATORS - We will have a certified teacher onsite during learning hours. Every group will have a dedicated education facilitator that provides structure and daily routine, assists with any questions or concepts, helps complete assignments and keeps your child engaged and the learning experience fun!
DAILY PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Sessions will be balanced with work time and play time. Physical education will include yoga, games, no hand obstacle courses and activities that keep social distancing in mind.

- Safe, clean learning environment
- Peer interaction with small group sizes of 10 or less
- Daily physical education
- Licensed teacher support and education facilitator
Cutting Edge CAMPUS hours: Fridays AM Session 9:05am-12:00pm; PM Session 12:35-3:30pm
For families not exploring half day options, a full day option is also available.
Cutting Edge CAMPUS will serve children grades K-8. Every small cohort will have a dedicated education facilitator that provides structure and daily routine, assists with any questions or concepts, help complete assignments and keeps your child engaged and the learning experience fun! We will also have a certified teacher onsite during learning hours.
Families and groups can coordinate with Cutting Edge to build class cohorts within their 'social bubble,' up to 10 students.
According to licensing recommendations and CDC guidelines, Children are required to wear a mask.
Each pod will have its own space not used by any other pod. All Cutting Edge common areas and physical education space will be cleaned between usage.
Families provide: Technology/Device for E-Learning, Headphones, Lunch
Weekly Price - Session times offered M-F
$25 - 1 (3 hour) session/week
$45 - 2 (3 hour) sessions/week
*Tuition billed weekly.
**10% sibling discount
"Exercise is 'Miracle Grow' for the Brain. To keep our brains at peak performance, our bodies need to work hard.” - John J. Ratey, M.D., Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain
Meet Kim Hayden
Kim Hayden is a K-8 certified teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience. In her teaching career she has received extensive training in brain-based learning, educational technology, and blended learning. Her philosophy of education includes a deep desire to lead students to take charge of their learning through setting goals, building a growth-mindset, and establishing life-long learning skills.